Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Astral Projection - The Silver Cord To Another World

By Benjamin Parry

Most people will have heard at some point in time in their lives the term astral projection. It is possible they may have heard it there are a number of books, movies and people who have studied or follow a new age path. However, there are only a small number of people that understand that astral projection is both real and something that anyone and everyone can do. In fact, many people have actually experienced at least one astral projection in their lives and while some may be aware of this experience, many people are not.

We need to first look at the definition for astral projection. To state this in very simple terms, astral projection's definition is a human being able to move out of their physical body. All humans have this ability, in fact they actually do it when they are sleeping in the night. When anyone is asleep the physical body and mind are resting and the subconscious part of the brain assumes control. Most humans simply have no recollection of this.

You can journey to any desired location when you astral project. You may even have done this as a child as you went to bed, as you grew into adulthood you just forgot how. No time or distance restrictions apply when astral projecting, which makes it possible to travel virtually anywhere. The astral body is what does the traveling when the person's physical body is sound asleep.

What is your astral body? It is a non-corporeal and invisible double of your physical self. It is the manifestation of your subconscious mind and as such represents your core desires and your willpower. What keeps your astral body from leaving permanently and wandering the universe? Your physical body and your astral body have an unbreakable bond referred to as the silver cord.

The silver cord is attached from the moment that the astral body and the physical body connect. It only detaches at the moment of death when the astral and physical body permanently disconnect from each other. It is this cord that recalls the astral body to the physical body.

Another question that is often asked is where the astral body travels to when a person engages in astral projection. The astral body moves along the astral plane. This is, as the astral body is a duplicate for the physical, a duplicate of the physical world. There are a number of ways that it can be described. In some descriptions, it is described as a set of vibrations, which penetrate physical reality but are at a wavelength that separates it from the physical world. It can also be described as a secondary reality or another dimension. What is agreed upon with the descriptions is that there are multiple levels to the astral plane.

After learning this information, it is only natural to start to wonder if there are any dangers to astral project. The answer is not as simple as a straightforward yes or no. While astral projection is something that everyone is capable of doing and that the astral body is attached to the physical body by a tie that can only be broken by death there is still a need to remain conscience of what is going on while astral projecting and be in a state to maintain that frame of mind.

Astral projection while you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be somewhat risky. When youre not in total control of yourself, your astral body is limited to the lowest and most hazardous levels of the astral plane. If you're not careful, there is a danger of psychological harm.

Exercise the same care you would in a place you don't know in the physical universe. Just be aware of your surroundings and youll be fine. However, the aim of astral projection isn't just to stay safe; it's to practice the ability until you're able to do it consciously and be in total control of your thoughts.

When engaging in astral projection it is important to prepare properly. Once you know how to prepare, you will find that astral projection is a quick and easy process. The method of preparation varies depending on the professional consulted. However, there are a number of, at home, training programs that provide individuals with the opportunity to learn how to control the experience and ultimately obtain both more enjoyment and benefit from astral projecting.

There are several books on this subject and you can locate other aids to help you online. One type of aid is that of hypnosis recordings that are created for astral projections to get you into the desired state of mind. This helps you get totally relaxed along with taking you through that various levels. This is often the preferred method over a professional approach, because you can replay the recording as much as you need to get your subconscious mind to get the message about when it is alright to begin to astral project and leave your physical body.

Something called binaural beats, a new audio recording technique have made it possible for many people to astral project. Two frequencies which are just slightly different are listened to, one in each year. The result is that your brainwaves tune to the proper frequency for astral projecting.

If you are unable to astral project at first, do not be concerned. It is something that requires practice to be able to do. It is important to remember that this is not actually an acquired skill but something that is already known to each person. They simply need to remember how to astral project and then to practice in order to obtain a level of proficiency.

Still in doubt about astral projection? How about an example from your own life? You've had those dreams where youre flying which end with a falling sensation right before you wake up. You werent really dreaming; the sensation of flight was what your astral body feels like as it travels. When you felt you were falling, that was your astral body returning to your physical one. Astral projection is very real and with a little work, you can learn to do it anytime you like.

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