Sunday, July 26, 2009

How Knowing How To Astral Travel Will Enhance Your Life

By Rick J Griffiths

The last time you were having a dream where you were flying, you were experiencing what astral travel was like. Astral travel is the way the astral body moves about in the astral plane, and it does so by flying. You simply think about where it is you want to go and what it is you want and once your physical mind and body are asleep the subconscious mind and astral body are off to fulfill your desires.

Astral travel is not to be confused with dreaming. Dreaming is your way of allowing yourself to work through problems and frustrations you may have encountered throughout the day. This is a very positive defense mechanism courtesy of your subconscious mind. These types of dreams are mostly dreams you cannot remember, or possibly remember only in bits and pieces.

Whenever you can vividly remember a dream, rest assured you were likely experiencing some form of astral projection. No matter what you intend to do with the information, it is a good idea to recall these dreams as best you can and put them down on paper in a journal. While one or two of these dreams will not make sense to you, there will be time when you can go through several of your recalled dreams and they will make complete sense.

Just like regular dreams help you work out the stresses of your life, astral travel dreams also have extreme benefits. The types of astral travel experiences you have will be unique to you, as will be the benefits. This is why it is important for you to keep track of them rather than try to compare them with someone elses.

The primary benefits of writing down your astral projection experiences stem from an expansion of your spirituality. Through astral projection, you will become more aware of your surroundings and the inner workings of your soul. Once you truly know yourself, you will have an overall sense of well-being and peace. And because astral projection causes us to use parts of our brains that are seldom used, it will make you a sharper person enhancing memory and mental awareness.

Once practicing astral travel, you should see a significant boost in your telepathic and psychic strength. Anyone who works at astral projection will tell you that their psychic abilities increase the more they practice. They can more easily sense sprits and use their telepathic skills.

This is due to the fact that when you astral project and astral travel you are tapping into spiritual energies that you ignored before.

Even skeptics who didnt believe that astral projection and astral travel were real, experienced that ability to see and read peoples auras.

Besides all of the above, there is also the simple fun and adventure of traveling outside your own body. It is like being on a rollercoaster whenever you want while at the same time providing you a sense of well-being and peace.

It is a wonder that astral projection isnt practiced by more people. The truth is that most people are afraid or feel silly trying it out because they dont feel they have the psychic sensitivity to do it. But everyone can use astral projection to their benefit, if only they give it a try.

Everyone has, at one time, taken some sort of astral travel experience. Whether it is through remembered dreams or daydreams, everyone has done it! Flying out of your body is quite common even if you dont realize it as that.

The key to reaping the benefits of this experience is for you to do it consciously, which means nothing more then you need to be aware that you are doing it and be able to control what your astral body is doing.

Dont be afraid to give astral travel a try. Dont deny yourself the pleasures of something you were born with but only have forgotten to use. Anyone can do it. You only need to browse the many ebooks and other information you can find online that teach techniques of astral travel. Learn to unlock the secrets of your inner self through astral travel!

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